Hiring companies: Look, I get that it’s frustrating to be looking for people to help you with growing agility in your software development efforts and business in general. But what I see happening right now probably isn’t helping you. I see the same job descriptions in listings on LinkedIn from at least two or three agencies, and not just for one position. It makes it look as if there are more jobs out there than is the case. And it makes it very confusing for people who want to help you by applying for the openings. I’ve heard that, normally, hiring managers reach out to their network first to find potential candidates. I’m not sure if that’s happening now, with the hair-on-fire Covid-19 situation, but it sure doesn’t seem like it. I consider myself fairly well connected, and I’m on the market. Please take a look at my profile and especially my recommendations if you’re looking for an agile coach. I’m sure I can help you.
Originally posted on 2020-05-20 at 19:46 via https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Ashare%3A6668960140168982528