Originally posted on 2021-04-25 at 19:54 via
Author: Oluf Nissen
Originally posted on 2021-04-25 at 19:54 via
Say what you will, but linen bedsheets are pretty cool…
Originally posted on 2021-04-22 at 04:49 via
As I was taking the recycling and trash to the curb, the thought came to me that all our problems of ontology, epistemology and philosophy stem from the somewhat arrogant idea that as a species we humans deserve to exist. Well, it’s wired into us, I guess, so what can you do…?
Originally posted on 2021-04-22 at 04:47 via
If you doubt that your entire body “is” your brain, think for a moment about how your best ideas seem to often come to you when you’re doing some kind of movement: taking a shower, brushing your teeth, doing some dishes, folding or hanging laundry, running, walking, biking, etc. And read Amanda Blake’s book “Your Body is Your Brain”.
Originally posted on 2021-04-17 at 04:01 via
The most ignored aspect of agile transformations? Deliberately setting aside time – across all levels of the organization – for conversations about new ways of working, thinking and being. You will not succeed without setting aside that time.
Originally posted on 2021-04-16 at 04:20 via
This explains a lot about emotional literacy or lack thereof. Much of emotion is socially/linguistically constructed.
Originally posted on 2021-04-11 at 18:13 via
I suspect part of the design of the American credit score system is to make it harder for people to move their money and business elsewhere, because when your account history is shorter, your score is lower. And when you close accounts, that dings you too. So financial institutions basically have no incentive to treat customers well.
Originally posted on 2021-04-10 at 19:53 via
Idea for a new podcast: A famous figure in the agile community interviews the thousands of invisible people working in the field. Dead on arrival?
Originally posted on 2021-04-08 at 19:39 via
My turn. Waited patiently.
Originally posted on 2021-04-07 at 20:55 via
The re-entry into non-covid-19 times will be much more turbulent than entering into covid-19 times. As degrees of freedom rise, complexity increases. Conditions for self-organizing become more difficult to deal with, and thus all kinds of patterns can emerge. We’ve already seen this with the interim waves of re-openings and their accompanying spikes. It’s possible that the vaccines will make a difference, but with uneven distribution and individuals deciding not to take a vaccine, things become quite unpredictable.
Originally posted on 2021-04-06 at 03:04 via