From today’s Ten Percent Happier “Ted Lasso” meditation challenge on kindness. Words to remember to express for someone in need: “May you allow yourself to be imperfect. May you accept yourself just as you are. May you trust that you are enough – right now. May you remember that that there are people who care about you.” Now turn those words inward, to yourself. “May I …”

Originally posted on 2021-09-10 at 03:40 via

Let’s do Tongue-in-cheek Tuesday.

I wish more people would know how easy “agile” is. All you need to do is:
– Trust the people who do the work to be able to learn, do the work right, and do it with care
– Find something worthwhile to work on
– Let the people who do the work tell you when it’s done

I’ll let you unpack that for a while.

What do you wish more people knew about “agile”?

Originally posted on 2021-08-31 at 15:29 via

You may not realize this, but when you pay an agile coach (especially an enterprise coach), you’re paying for the way they bring themselves, their consciousness, their self-mastery, their sense-making, and their humanity to your organization. And because it is so rare for people to bring these things, it’s going to cost you – both in terms of money, and in terms of (temporary) disorientation and a certain discomfort, which will eventually turn to comfort. You’re paying for the seed to humanize your organization.

Originally posted on 2021-08-21 at 20:32 via