You would think that having to pay someone to come and snake out the laundry drain pipes multiple times in the course of a few months would be irritating, but I find myself surprisingly grateful for it, because I now am in control of who I call for the work, and am not dependent on someone else to do the selection and calling.

Originally posted on 2021-12-14 at 04:45 via

Where does the energy for change come from? My hypothesis is informed by an HSD idea. We need the energy that comes from “difference”, and then we combine that with “insight”, stemming from tolerating enough of the difference for long enough to spark something new in us and between us. My analogy is this: if you connect the two poles of a battery directly with a wire, you get little use out of the inherent energy in the difference between the poles. You need something that resists the energy difference enough for something to flow usefully. Like a light bulb or an actual resistor.

Originally posted on 2021-12-08 at 20:28 via

I have it on good authority that Scott Showalter has two complimentary spots in his Agile Career Accelerator Magnetic Resume masterclass. If you’re looking for work in the Agile field, and you’re short on funds, I highly recommend you get in touch with him to get one of those spots. Let him know you heard it from me. Here’s more about the class:

Originally posted on 2021-12-04 at 03:44 via