There are very few truly new ideas in the world. You may think that the only way to “move ahead” (whatever that means to you) is to generate new ideas and to get them “out there”. What if the true trick is to figure out what existing ideas can be useful and how you work with them effectively in your context? What if it’s about making an idea “yours” by doing the hard work of integration and practice?

Originally posted on 2022-03-15 at 15:30 via

On this international women’s day, I’m thinking of my mother who fled with her mother and five siblings from Poland to her native Denmark to escape the second world war, as the war front was quickly approaching her town of residence. The story she told included getting tickets to one of the last trains out of Poland and an almost separation of the family during the journey. I helped her write the story down a few years ago, and it turned into a small book, a family treasure of sorts. I’m glad she doesn’t have to endure the current situation, which would no doubt have triggered her severely.

Originally posted on 2022-03-09 at 01:53 via

The most difficult part of agile transformations is how much it costs to undertake one. Not in money or time, but in learning to be and then to truly bring a different “you” to work – in front of all the other people, staring at you, going “You want me to do THAT?! I don’t think so!”

Originally posted on 2022-03-01 at 07:03 via

You know what I’m tired of? The goal posts getting moved. All. The. Time. Just when you think you know something, are good at something, feel skillful at something – poof, someone moves the goal post on you. And you know what’s even worse, sometimes the one doing that for others is me.

Originally posted on 2022-02-09 at 03:27 via

An agile transformation happens conversation by conversation. That’s what makes it slow. And without time for conversation, guess what? No transformation. This is also why transformation roadmaps are a bit of a fool’s errand. You can’t predict what the next conversation will need to be about or who it needs to be with. #agile #transformation #is #conversation

Originally posted on 2022-02-09 at 01:16 via