Next week is going to be filled with COMO – certainty of missing out. It’s #Agile2022 week, and I’ve once again chosen not to attend. I will try to relish vicariously in all the posts that will be coming from attendees (it’s already starting) and try to rest in my choice. Stay healthy, friends. There’s a new variant of Covid out there. Be safe.

Originally posted on 2022-07-17 at 01:11 via

“People everywhere thrive, because we see patterns clearly, seek to understand, and act with courage to transform turbulence and uncertainty into possibility for all.” The #HumanSystemsDynamics vision, finally fully embedded in – and typed from – my memory. It inspires the now, while holding a positive image to aspire to. It has become a quest for me, even if I fall short of acting with courage time and again. Thank you Glenda Eoyang, Royce Holladay, and every HSD associate and professional who co-crafted this vision. HSD is deeply informed by complexity science, and provides simple, everyday things you can do to navigate the often/always messy endeavor of finding better fit for function in/with/for groups of humans.

Originally posted on 2022-07-15 at 06:14 via

Do you ever get tired? Tired of trying to keep up with the world for fear of being left behind? Tired of the pressure of “more”? More learning, more doing, more buying, more spending, more earning, more experiencing, more sharing, more art, more music, more storytelling, more dancing, more, more, more. I know I do. How do I convince myself to stop chasing “more”? And if you did – how? How did you find peace in “enough”, in “rest”, in “thanks, I’m good”, in “no”, in “I’m over it”, in “I’m done”?

Originally posted on 2022-07-13 at 01:49 via