How do we change the narrative that only layoffs can “save” struggling companies? How do we change the narrative that rich people are worthy of deep admiration and blind respect? Is it in MBA programs, in college, high school, middle school, elementary school, kindergarten, at home before all that? Is it at parties, water cooler talks, at the beach or lake with friends? Is it on TV, the radio, facebook? Do you really believe that money should be the driving factor for our lives? That everything can be measured in money? That being rich and amassing possessions is somehow laudable and worthy of emulation? What do you believe?

Originally posted on 2022-11-05 at 05:38 via

This is a nice view on business agility, laying out various aspects to consider when moving towards that. There are links to a few salient videos as well. Thank you Stacey Louie for the pointer via your newsletter.

Copy-paste the link and remove the space before .com – I’m trying to circumvent the LinkedIn redirector from obfuscating the URL.

https://hyperdriveagile .com/articles/8-reasons-executives-love-and-hate-business-agility-20

Originally posted on 2022-10-26 at 22:31 via